Mühlhauser Waldmeister Syrup ("Getränkesirup" in German) is a sweet, herbal syrup, based on woodruff, which is ideal for mixing with alcoholic drinks, soda (like 7Up) or Sparkling Water, producing a refreshing beverage.
A German tradition is to pour a splash of Waldmeister syrup in Berliner Weisse (Weiße) Beer but you can also mix it with wine to make a special Maibowle (Spring Drink). It also makes great cocktails, especially with Gin, adding a nice herbal note. Experiment adding Waldmeister Syrup as an ingredient in baking, or in making ice cream, sorbet, pudding or mousse.
No preservatives, no artificial sweeteners, vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, no allergens. Must be refrigerated after opening.
Note: This is a simulated woodruff syrup as the actual woodruff herb is banned, in both Germany and the US, for human consumption in non-alcoholic foods/beverages because it contains the chemical coumarin.
Ingredients: Glucose-fructose syrup, water, sugar, flavoring, citric acid, staining safflower extract, maltodextrin, dye E131.